Thursday, August 13, 2009

otsukaresama deshita!

Week 10:

23. Peruse the new SPL website.

Is everyone aware that there is a site search box? It is tucked away at the bottom of the page...

Just click and the search box appears:

24. Learn a new language with Mango Language Learning.

I was impressed with the range of difficulty level offered in Mango for Japanese. I'm far from fluent, but I am more than a beginner at Japanese. I thought it was a great refresher and having the text and audio at the same time worked much better for me than the typical 'listen in the car' learning programs. I would like it if we had bookmarks or business cards just to promote Mango.

25. Tweet on Twitter.

Did this some time ago and you can see my twitter badge on the right.

26. What is Thingfo?

You snooze, you lose. Thingfo is now invite-only.

27. Summarize your thoughts about the "27 Things" program on your blog.

Although I had familiarity with many of the 27 things already, many of them I had never really bothered to explore until now. I always though Twitter was completely narcisstic and now I realize that it's more about learning about other people, groups, news etc than talking about yourself.

In a similar vein, I also enjoyed reading all the posts made by other staff members (more than I enjoyed writing about my own experiences). I hope we all keep it up from time to time.

Otsukaresama deshita! Thanks for the hard work!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Queue the 'Wrap it up' music

Week 9: Podcasts, Video & Downloadable Audio
20. Explore YouTube and find a video to add to your blog.

  • See Below
21. Learn about the wide world of podcasts.

  • I chose AV Talk, which is mainly movie reviews

22. Browse SPL's downloadable audiobook collection and "checkout" one that you like.

  • I'll have to check this out at home, since I need iTunes to transfer the audiobook to my iPod once it's checked out.

Enjoy a Bit of Fry & Laurie:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Natomas Tweets

So I set-up an RSS feed in my Outlook inbox that updates anytime someone puts the word Natomas in their tweet. (I also set up feeds for "sacramento library" and "natomas library")

Here are some of the best so far from the Natomas feed:

Spending time with a beautiful woman @ Sacramento Library South Natomas.

I am prolly natomas' worst boyfriend... I hope i am... I better be

A large yellow beast arrives and I seat myself within it's large and boxy frame. "To Natomas, ho!", I command it.

o u stayed in natomas ! its nice out there people aren't asses like they are in elk grove !

I love the smell of Natomas in the late afternoon. You recognize sarcasm when you see it, right Well, that's where the condos are.

Natomas High is the triple OG...the first HIgh School of #inthenutty ....Inderkum came muuuch later on

#inthenutty if u go to natomas ur at albertsons after school and if you go to inderkum your at carls jr

(So now I know that the hash tag for Natomas is #inthenutty. Maybe I need another RSS feed)

PS - My apologies, ELK!